Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Morning report

I am more encouraged after seeing Harriet this morning than I've ever been. Not because her memory is better. In fact, it is worse. She didn't know the year, she thought she was in Eugene, she didn't know where she was ... but she knew something had happened to her head. She knew she wanted to get better. And she asked, When did my parents die? Not IF they were dead, been WHEN ... and she was not upset asking the question.

But her entire body language and expressions and manner of asking questions were much more coming from a patient who realizes she is a patient than a confused and frustrated person. I think this is an excellent sign. For the first time, I see a realization that something is wrong and she WANTS to get it fixed. I am really jacked after seeing her today!

Of course, reversals can and will happen. The only downer today is that she wanted family pictures -- and she had them on the wall but they are gone. What?????? All I can figure is that Pam, the last to see her last night, took them down for some reason and didn't tell me. Shows you how important it is for the right hand and left hand to have communication. H was very upset but I was able to change the subject and in a few minutes she had completely forgotten about them.

BUT WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS? Some cannot be replaced. It was a minor uproar, with staff looking etc ... thief? Pam? Hard to imagine a thief would want them. I assume Pam had reason to take them down, Harriet probably told her to, and forgot to tell me. Hiss boo!!

So I am jacked this morning because Harriet is acting like an aware patient for the first time. I hope it sticks.

I'll stay here until one, then head back for the meeting. H's schedule is very busy today, 9 sessions of therapy, all categories, busy from 9 to 430 with a rest period before lunch, ending the day with recreational therapy.

Karen is going to come over and help me figure out a dining room work space for Harriet. Recreational therapy at home. They are emphasizing, look, the program is not changing, it merely is moving to your home and will be a little more flexible as a result. But I, the caregiver, will have things I have to do, and make her do, every day! That's cool with me. And with this morning's attitude, it will be cool with Harriet.

I mean, what a difference body language and attitude can convey! I am really jacked and optimistic some good improvement can happen. It really is mostly about her attitude, I think -- if she fights rehab because she is prideful or stubborn or independent or simply hallucinating, bad news, but if she realizes she needs help, and is getting help, and follows the program, wow, I think very good things can happen. 

All is good so far, folks. Keep that good energy coming.

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